DTS Fluid Power Custom Hydraulic Solutions
DTS knows hydraulics. Our trained, certified fluid power specialists understand the industry, and know how to put together a full system. By having a dialogue with you, the customer, we can work together to determine the best, most efficient way to fill your particular need.
We can do everything, from selecting the right valves, producing custom manifolds, to plumbing the system with the proper hoses, all the way to creating the perfect electronic control system. All of this can be custom designed to fit your exact needs when you need them. Our fast turn-around prototyping and hose manufacturing ensure that we get your solution created quickly, so you don’t miss out on any opportunity.
DTS serves a multitude of industries, from agricultural harvesting machines to industrial applications like plastic injection molding. You can rest assured that we can create a system for you.
DTS Fluid Power success stories:
Asphalt Paver - Creating Cost Savings and Efficiency Increase
DTS created an asphalt paver machine for a client working with the Michigan Department of Transportation. By upgrading their system from pressure compensated to load sense, we lowered the cost to operate the machine by approximately 15%.